Quarried in Brazil, Black Tempest is a quartzite that combines the strength of an anthracite with the depth and shine of bands of a mica black schist, with golden brown and charcoal grey veining broken up by random striking white veining. Creating a beautiful contrast which gives to this natural stone its ethereal beauty.
With its unique structure, this eye-catching quartzite is a smokey black in colour, with painterly swathes of white, golden brown and charcoal grey veining flowing across the slab like ocean waves.
Annual production is very limited and is around 1,500 tonnes of blocks.
In addition to its striking appearance, Black Tempest is a very durable stone with high scratch and stain resistance. As such, Black Tempest is suitable for areas with high traffic, interior and exterior projects, commercial and residential, flooring and wall cladding.


The quartzite being a natural product, these samples are average which are liable to vary. We will always endeavor to maintain consistency, at least as close as possible, but resemblance cannot be guaranteed.


Sample dimensions : L 20 cm x l 10 cm x W 2 cm – 8’’ x 4’’ x ¾’’





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